
Why You Should Get a Wood Stove

Wood-burning stoves are probably the first thing you think about when you picture heating your home. Wood-burning stoves have been around for years, but modern technology has helped improve their efficiency and capabilities, and they offer plenty of benefits for homeowners.

Save Money on Fuel Costs

Especially in North America, wood is much cheaper than natural gas, and homeowners who use their wood stoves often can buy wood in bulk to save money. Depending on the property you live in, wood might also be free for you, and you can save a ton of money on fuel costs.


If you’re looking for the most set it and forget it option of the bunch, a wood stove is your choice. Because of the lack of fuel costs, wood stoves can heat your home through power outages and other natural gas issues that might pop up.


Wood is a renewable resource, and wood stoves emit much less pollution than other heating options. In addition, almost 80% of the wood burned turns into heat, meaning you’ll be operating with a reliable, energy-efficient source of heating in your home.

Why You Should Get a Gas Stove

Despite the popularity and nostalgia, and efficiency of wood-burning stoves, gas stoves are becoming more popular in modern homes. They are efficient in their own right and provide a different level of comfort and safety that modern homeowners enjoy.

Ease of Use

One of the biggest qualities that draw homeowners to a gas stove is its ease of use. With the flip of a switch, you can get heat to any zone of your home without turning on your central heating to warm up your entire home.


Gas stoves usually require less ventilation which takes up less space in your home, naturally leading to a safer environment. They also take in air from the outside, improving your indoor air quality and reducing the effects of harmful gasses like carbon monoxide.


Like a wood-burning fire, gas stoves have excellent combustion and heat transfer efficiency and convert about 90% of their fuel source into heat. Maintenance is straightforward as well, making it an easy and efficient option for homeowners.

Can I Get a Gas Fireplace if I Don’t Have Gas on My Street?

If you want a gas fireplace but don’t have gas on your street, you can still turn to propane as an alternative to powering your heat source. Keep in mind that it is dangerous to have a propane tank held inside, so you want to hook up a gas connection from the location of your gas stove to your tank outside.

So, Which One Should I Choose?

There are few differences between a gas stove and a wood-burning stove, and your decision will likely be based on your preferences. The differences between each are relatively minor, and you can’t go wrong heating your home with natural gas or wood-burning stoves.

Whether you’re deciding on an option or if you’re looking for chimney and stove installation services in your area, On Duty Chimney Service and Stove is here to help. Reach out to us today to get the stove installed that’s right for you, or view our gallery of stove installations to show how beautiful yours can be!

For more information about Wood Burning stoves click here

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